Do you have any questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions below. If you still need help please contact us.


How much does shipping cost?

Shipping costs varies with how much you order but most shipping costs are $5.60.

What shipping carriers do you use?

I use USPS for all of my shipping.

Where do you pick up?

Pick up is at my home 1901 Wheat St. Rockingham, NC. Pick up hours are M-F 10am to 5 pm. Unless you message me otherwise!

Tracking & Delivery

When will my order be shipped?

Your order will be completed between 2-3 weeks after your order is placed!

Can I change my delivery address?

If you need your delivery address changed please message me and let me know so that I may change it on my end for you!

How can I track my order?

Once your order is complete I will send it using USPS. Once I have your order packaged you will receive tracking information via email!

How do I know if I have received my complete order?

You will get a notification from Shop that your order has been delivered.

Return Policy

How long do I have to request a return?

Returns are accepted for 30 days after delivery. For eligible returns please refer to Eligible Returns. Once your refund is approved you will receive a refund to your payment account that you paid for the item with!

Is my item eligible for return?

All items that are recieved damaged or other wise compromised will be eligible for return. Wrong sized items are also eligible. Otherwise due to this being a mostly made to order business, we will not be able to process other returns!

Do I pay for return shipping?

Return shipping is free to you! We will pay for the return shipping for you!

Is final sale eligble for returns?

No final sale product is eligible for return. If you purchase a final sale product and it does not fit or there is some issue due to it being a final sale item you would not be eligible for a return!